Smartphone » History » Version 1
Guy Van Sanden, 2020-01-05 22:54
1 | 1 | Guy Van Sanden | h1. Smartphone |
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3 | Taurix Groupware will work on any smartphone supporting the activesync (Exchange) protocol, which includes most Android and Apple devices. |
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5 | Go into the settings app and find your accounts. Select the option to add an E-mail account and select the type Exchange, company or activesync (depending on the device model). |
6 | Select manual settings and enter following settings: |
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8 | Server: |
9 | SSL/TLS: Enabled |
10 | User: <your email adres> |
11 | Domain empty |
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13 | *As of January 5 2020*: Usernames are your primary mailaddress, old usernames in the format similar to taurix\guy will no longer work |